
I’m sure you’ll all be overjoyed to hear that I’ve finally found the time to record another episode of the Bearfaced Podcast, and what’s more I had so much to talk about that it had to be split into two parts.  Next week I’ll release Part “B” which will be a live session and interview with Tom Stephens and the Retreat, but this week I’ve concerned myself with the up-coming releases that are getting all of us at Bearfaced Towers hot under the collar.

A lot of the songs I play in this ‘cast are mostly from recent blog posts (as they’re the ones I’m most excited about at the moment) but there’s a few other treats in there for your listening pleasure.

You can download the ‘cast directly from its page on the Bearfaced website, or if you’d rather subscribe (as I do) you can easily find it in iTunes by searching for “Bearfaced Podcast”.