
Lock up your daughters, it’s that time again; we’ve released another episode of everyone’s favourite podcast.  This, the latest installment, is rather on the long side.  The reason for the length is due to our somewhat ambitious choice of topic; no less a theme than our top five songs of all time.

It’s at this point that any true music fans amongst you will be be shaking your heads and saying things like “surely not” and “heavens, that’s not a task within the reach of any mere mortal man” and other variations on that theme.  But it’s true; Steve, Lloyd and myself (whom one could call the guiding lights behind the ‘cast) have each attempted to pin down their five favourite songs of all time.  Though it goes without saying that there will be just a few caveats to that claim, not least of which would be the fact that the lists are only a representation of our top five songs at the time the podcast was recorded.  And of course we didn’t need to include any songs which would be considered “classics” because it’s obvious that we’d like them.  And so on and so forth…

The basic objective of this ambitious scheme is fairly straightforward.  We’ve been waxing lyrical about music in these ‘casts for coming on for a year now, handing down our opinions from on high with scant regard for objectivity or anything approaching journalistic rigour.  So this podcast is an attempt to lay down a base-line from which to judge our opinions; we’re nailing our colours to the mast in order that you, the beloved and cherished listener, can gauge exactly how much salt to take with our ramblings.

As always, you can find the ‘cast in iTunes or can download each episode directly from the Podcast page of the Bearfaced Records website.  Enjoy…